Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Day that Hurricane Sandy Paid a Visit

Hurricane Sandy got PLENTY of coverage today on the local new channels.  While it wasn't much to report in terms of damage where I live - I hope I can say the same for people I know in affected areas when I wake up in the morning.

I've said this before on this blog and I'll say it again.  It is harder to come up with a list when you don't leave the house - but I have a list!  I HAVE A LIST!
  1. It's nice to have family and friends that care enough to check on my well being during the storm.  There are still a few hours left to be totally in the clear but I never once saw a light flicker nor lost my internet or TV.  If you didn't know, I don't have cable - so I watch everything via an outdoor antenna.  That antenna never budged. 
  2. We were notified of having Tuesday off from work.  Campus is CLOSED! WOO HOO!
  3. My friend Myra, sent me a text to ask me if I still wanted a headlamp for when I go biking.  I said I did.  She bought one for me and her. How amazingly nice was that?
  4. Tonight I made my first Hot Tottie.  They are tasty!  I think I may make more of these in the winter months.  
  5. I lit my fireplace for the first time in over a year.  I love having a wood burning fireplace. I need to use it more. 

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