Tuesday, September 27, 2011


  1. Today I saw this cool booth for Honest Tea.  It's a booth where you pay for the drink on the honor system.  I put in my dollar and took a drink and then I saw a woman reaching for her wallet, getting out a dollar and putting it in the the clear box.  Such a cool concept for humanity.  There still are some honest people out there in the world.  LOVE THIS CONCEPT!
  2. This wine tonight sure tastes fine! VIVA LA CHEAP WINE!
  3. Yup - it's official.  NYC is on and poppin'. :0)
  4. I'm lovin' the new style of bracelet I created tonight. http://www.etsy.com/listing/82704572/paracord-prostate-cancer-awareness
  5.  Getting to leave work early and not feel like I had to be there to do "stuff" felt REALLY GOOD. I haven't been home before 6PM in a while.

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