Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Smile. Your Face Loves When You Do.

  1. It’s been one of those days when you hear a voice sing and you just can’t get enough of hearing it.  Thank you Shirley Bassey,  I love your voice! (hear and see her performances here - just as I watched them today).
  2. Tonight at work, I noticed that we have nearly 6000 students who have signed up on our Student Organization system.  WOW!! For the longest time I thought it was only about 1000.  What a great surprise and I LOVE surprises!
  3. You can have a really trying day with people and there is always at least one person that can make you laugh and forget about it.  I love that about my friends. They have a knack for doing that even when they don’t know that they’re doing it.
  4. Apparently my outfit today was looking good. I got several compliments on it.  Gotta love compliments.  It’s like a pay-it-forward esteem boost.
  5. I love when I can make a person smile. I love it even more when people and things can make me smile just like seeing The Clark Sisters on the show, Unsung.

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