Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today I was called out on my "blahness mood".  I've been in a funk before but as my boss put it, it's never last more than a week.  I am now in week two.  Hopefully it'll pass sooner. Maybe I'm just dehydrated. HAHA wouldn't it be nice if it were just that?  At any rate - let's get on with this list so I can go to bed.. I am worn out!
  1. If you watched Glee, then you know it was an amazing episode!  I loved the opening song and scene but it was unfortunate what happened. Lots of "rainbows" in this episode.
  2. I found a new little web show that's pretty interesting. It's on Crackle and it's called Gay Town. It's about a straight guy who is stuck in a town full of gays. Anything he does as a straight man is illegal and he's ostracized for not being gay.
  3. I got to work really early (for me) and was administratively productive today. Like McDonald's tagline, "I'm lovin' it"!
  4. I have been hearing a song a lot lately and had no idea who it was. While watching Glee tonight, I Googled the words, "I'm glad you came".  It's actually by The Wanted and well, Glee did a way better version of the song. hahaha
  5. Oh wow... I'm to the last one and I have dozed off three or four times already!  I need a 5th item, STAT!  OOoh  I love that my boss brought in a bag of Swedish Fish... Now that was uber nice of her!

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