Monday, November 14, 2011

Being a Student in Your Life

I can't express this enough how much I've learned by watching Oprah's Lifeclass.  I find myself quoting parts of the episodes and the lessons taught.  I've had friends ask, "Why do you watch that? It's just a rehash of her shows."  I respond with, "It's different though. There are these lessons she discusses and it causes you to place those lessons within the context of your own life."  I think those words fell on deaf ears.  Today I noticed myself discussing how much I love the show, again.   I reference the lessons in much of the way a religious person quotes scripture.  The only thing that's different is that I don't pray for some being to make my life what I think it should/could/ hope to be - I look within my own being to make it so.   I am an active participant in my life.  Constantly looking for the lessons and the things to be happy about.  Speaking of which...
  1. I'm glad that today everything just seemed to work out. Only proving my point that I shouldn't worry or get all worked up about things.  It's never really THAT serious. Even when it appears to be - there's always something worse that could happen. When the worst possible thing you can think of happens - I'm sure you can think of something else that could make it worse. Depending on the perspective, the only thing that's worse is death. If you're a religious person, that's really not a bad thing either unless you believe in hell and you're going there.
  2. Had a really good meeting with students where they recognized a lot of things on their own.  YOu gotta love those moments.
  3. Traffic this morning and this evening seemed to be pretty light.  I enjoyed just cruising into work in just under 30 minutes.
  4. A lesson worth noting - The life you plan is not necessarily the life you live. 
  5. Things I was called today by people - VIP, A Protagonist, Creative, Funny.  I never really thought about things people would call me until today.  Those are all pretty positive words!

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