Saturday, October 15, 2011

It's All About Expression

I guess I've been really introspective. Well, I don't guess I am. I know I am.  This is a sign that I'm about to embark on a new path.  I'm not sure what that path is but I know whenever I get really cerebral, something remarkable, noteworthy, exciting, life changing is going to happen to me. It's like I begin to prepare myself mentally for it to take place.

  1. I read this on a blog today - pretty simple.
    Here are the facts of life.

    1.  You only get one life.
    2.  Life is short and death is long.
    3.  There is virtually no reason that you should not be living your dreams.

  2. "You find a way to allow the truth of yourself to express itself. We're all looking for the highest, fullest, expression of ourselves as human beings." Oprah said this on her new show, Life Class. That is powerful.
  3. I got the new iPhone 4S today.  After the initial shock of not being able to sync it to my Mac, I was able to sync it to my Dell Laptop.  I have to say, so far, so GREEEEEEEAT!  It's a huge leap from the 3G I had. I love the dictation feature for texting. It works so well.  I'm excited to try Siri next.
  4. Tonight the Spirit Squad that I advise, The G-Men, were out and about at a campus event.  It was so awesome to see how people reacted to them.  Great job fellas!
  5. It's exciting to be embarking on a path I haven't been on in over 4 years. :0)

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