Friday, October 21, 2011


  1. Having someone get me coffee in the morning and knowing EXACTLY how I like it to be made is awesome. Hmm.. Someone remembers details.  I love that!
  2. Oprah's Lifeclass just keeps on teaching me great things and causes me to be self-reflective. I love that.
  3. I got a lot done today at work but not everything but to understand that Rome wasn't built in a day is the real message for the day.
  4. It's funny, but JUST when you REALLY need something is when you get it.  You just have to trust in that.  I trusted in that and it just worked itself out.
  5. It's always good hearing from my brother. Our conversation just seemed to solidify that I need to follow my passion and continue to feed it. Giving it time and care will allow it to flourish.

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