Thursday, December 15, 2011

Broccoli Does a Body Good

Today I woke up with two things I wanted. 1. I wanted to continue to sleep. 2. I wanted to eat roasted broccoli. I did accomplish one of those things that were on my list. I managed to get through the day okay.
  1. Well, I roasted that broccoli and it was delicious.  A nice way to close out the day.  I could think of other ways that are just as good if not better.. lol
  2. I made it to the gym after a short hiatus (I haven't been since 12/10/11).  I was able to run even longer today.  I need to stop taking so much time between runs because my progress would probably be a lot better.  At any rate, I am lovin' that I ran over 3 miles!
  3. Was that our University President wearing a homecoming button at the announcement of his successor this morning?  Why yes, it was!  That's awesome that Dr. Merten was wearing the homecoming button that I produced.
  4. Speaking of University Presidents, I'm lovin' that we have a young president coming on board AND one whose first language is Spanish. Welcome, Dr. Cabrera!
  5. I love, love , love that my housemate is gone for a few days.  It has reminded me of the serenity I once had when I wasn't renting out a room in my house and it was always peaceful.

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