Thursday, December 29, 2011

Water Heater Heaven.

It's funny how things happen in life.  Today I needed a new water heater. I knew this day was coming - I had only hoped that it would hold out another month or two.  I guess it couldn't go on living this way and after 25 years of service it passed on to water heater heaven. Now I just have to lay it to rest as my wallet gives birth to a new one and birthin' water heaters is NOT cheap!

Here are some other funny (and not as financially draining) things that happened today.

  1. A friend of mind decided that she would post pictures she had scanned onto Facebook.  Well, I didn't mind too much. It definitely gave me a lot of laughs. I loved strolling down memory lane.  She says there are more to come, too.  Scary - but it's like a train wreck. You just can't bare NOT to watch. Flashback with me to the late 90s, early 00s with the pictures below.
  2. I laughed the hardest tonight I was thinking that VG would say he were most like "Samantha Jones" from Sex and the City.  I probably woke my roommate up because I was laughing so hard. I love a good belly laugh!
  3. IKEA was packed today. I guess everyone is still off (like I am).  I got an amazing deal on a desk lamp. Only $5.99 AND it came with the light bulb.  You can't beat that with a stick!
  4. When I was at Home Depot trying to buy a water heater, I asked the sales guy how much delivery and installation usually ran.  When he told me it was $350, I couldn't help but laugh.  Laughter helps me relax from shock. I was definitely shocked at that amount considering it was more than the water heater.  It's important that you find humor is challenging times.  I love that I am able to do that.
  5. I love that I now have a date for not only tomorrow night but also Sunday. Great idea, VG. I wish I had thought of it.  I'll take care of that next time! hahahaha :0) Great way to kick off 2012!
I'm guessing this was from some formal dance. It's truly a shame that I don't remember. hahaha

What I remember about this photo is that I LOVED this shirt. I had gotten it at Walmart.
Oh, and I'm drinking beer from a shoe. That's just what we did. Don't ask why. hahahaha

Spring break 2000? We were all grad students and went to NYC. I remember it being
crazy cold some days.  We had a blast though. WV - VA - MD - NJ - NYC all in a week.

Whoa! Who is this girl? LOL I remember don't remember - but clearly I knew her.
Graduate School was some awesomely good times!

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