Friday, December 30, 2011

Opportunities Await

What a day, what a day!  I woke up and began cleaning my house. I'm going to tell y'all right now - Never let your home go a long time without cleaning.  I cannot stress that enough.  It took me three days to clean!  Dusting should happen regularly - duly noted. hahaha  For 2012, I'm going to work on maintaining a clean/tidy home and committing to weekly cleaning. It takes me back to being a kid and cleaning every Saturday before I could leave the house.  I need to commit to that and make that a standing date with my home.
  1. Speaking of dates - I had another great one tonight. Here's to more of the same. Oh, and I love the gift I got. Very thoughtful. You're such a smooth operator. :0)
  2. I just saw the new Robin Thicke video for "Love After War" and the new Monica video for "Until it's Gone" - I love both songs and the videos. 
  3. Now that I have a clean home again, I have to say that I really love it. I added new lighting to my bedroom and it looks so much better. You can do magical things with IKEA  lighting options. I'll be adding new lights to the living room, too. 
  4. OOoh - I have hot water in the house again. Gotta love that!  That's one of those modern amenities that humans have taken for granted.  When you suddenly don't have hot water you quickly realize how much you depend on it being there.  Granted, I had options but I'm happy that I now get to exercise those options in my home again.
  5. I love having this sense of feeling good about lots of things. Life. Creativity. Dating. Friendships. Work. Doing this blog allows me to stay positive about things and opens my life up to many opportunities.

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