Friday, December 2, 2011

Yesterday. Busy, But Fun.

I was supposed to start my 30 days of Crafting yesterday and time just got away from me. I also wasn't able to rattle off a blog entry yesterday.  It's all good though. There are worst things that could happen. I'll make up for lost time tomorrow because I will do three projects! If you want to follow the adventure - check me out here:

  1. Planning for my crafting adventures I rolled into Michael's and found some items on clearance.  I will have to say, one of my concerns about this challenge on making a craft item each day was the money aspect.  Well, I'm happy to report that I picked up about 5 days worth of projects for less that $20! I love a good deal.
  2. Dinner at Sweet Water Tavern. YUM!  Good food!
  3. When I got home tonight, I saw that the kitchen has continuously remained clean. No dishes in the sink or filth on the counter top. I love that someone decided to keep things tidy (that someone being my housemate).
  4. A student said to me, "You've been working out a lot, huh?" and I replied, "Yeah I have." She then said, "Oh yeah, I can tell. Good job!"  That was two comments within less than 24 hours about this.  I guess the running is doing what I had hoped it would do.  VIVA LA EXERCISE!
  5. I can sense the slowing down of the school year as we approach the holidays.  I am so very excited to chill the heck out for a while. Should I take an extra week off work?  I have a ton of vacation days. Hmmm... I love having these kind of options.

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