Friday, January 27, 2012

Here's to the Freakin' Weekend - I'll Drink to That

It's my birthday weekend and with that said - I most likely won't write any entry on the same day. HAHAHA!! Last night I went to happy hour and had a great time.  It must have been league night because I saw a few people from the league there. I really enjoyed myself and what's even better - I was home at a decent time.
  1. I talked about it and I have conquered!  I woke up and went to the gym at 6:15 this morning.  I have to say that I currently feel pretty good.  Then again, it's only 8:45 AM. LOL  I'm glad I did it though.  It's nice to know that I have the rest of the day to myself.  I also think that by working out I may be a little more conscious about what I eat during the day. It's kind of like when you're in school and the teacher says "You all start off with As and the challenge is maintaining that grade". I'm starting off with an A for today and I just have to maintain that grade.  What a novel concept.  I'm going to have to think more on that.
  2. Last weekend I went out and sang karaoke. The song I chose was "The Body Electric" from the film Fame. After my workout I was driving in the car and the song popped into my head.  It's such an inspirational song. I really like hearing the string instruments in it and I like the fact that the singers are much like the singers I knew and was in high school - not the greatest but we could hold a note. Right on, Fame!
  3. Pretty glad that I drove home early last night. Driving back from DC late at night is for the birds!
  4. I love that La Nina has been doing her thing. The weather has been fantastic!!
  5. When it's your birthday weekend people like to buy you drinks. Tonight that happened a couple times. Viva La Free Beer!

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